Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 15 - Exodus 5

Click here to read Exodus 5.


  1. Verse 20 - "May the Lord look upon you and judge you!"; and verse 22 - "O Lord, why have you brought trouble upon this people?" The Israelites quickly grumbled and were complaining that God was not looking after them (blaming Moses); and Moses was now questioning God.

    How quick I am to feel God is disinterested in my life, because things don't happen the way I think they should. It comes to a lack a faith, and a struggle to "let go and let God". I have always struggled to control things, and I am slowly learning (as my faith grows deeper) to let go and trust the Lord.

  2. verse 9, "Make the work harder for the men so that they keep working and pay no attention to the lies."

    The hand of Pharaoh was hard. He severely punished those who didn't do as he wanted. Why was this happening? How could this be a part of God's redemption plan?

    No one saw the big picture. No one knew the end result. Moses knew they were going to go to a land flowing with milk and honey, but he didn't know how that would really happen or even how long it would take. Moses even goes back to God and asks how in the world this could be the plan.

    I know I want God's plan for my life to be easy and comfortable. It rarely, if ever, is. Sometimes my life is complicated because of others. Other times it is painful because of my own decisions.

    What I need to always remember is that God has a plan, then I need to ask if I am being a part of the plan or not. What is the next right thing for me to do to join God in His plan?
