Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 7 - Psalm 100

Click here to read Psalm 100.

If you are looking for a simple prayer model, here is one that was recently suggested to me:


  1. Verse 2 - "Enter His gates with thanksgiving"

    Since God is God of all the universe, in control of everything, creator of it ALL; then every area, situation, church, house, car, building, etc. I enter - belongs to Him; so I am entering HIS gates with what? Am I always thankful? Do I show others with how I act/respond that I have a joyous and thankful heart, due to my salvation in Christ? The answer is NO!

    Yes, we are sinners, probably incapable of showing 100% thankfulness. "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). This verse always speaks to me that God is watching our effort. The results will come with more practice, but our effort to improve must be there.

    This is one area of my life that I really need to improve. Deep-down, I am so thankful for everything my relationship with Christ brings me. I just do not show it, especially to non-believers. I think my personal testimony might be more impactful if I would allow my joyous and thankful heart to show.

  2. What a great Psalm to read as I was preparing to come to church and worship! This morning as I stood in the midst of my brothers and sisters in Christ and we lifted our voices together in song, I thought of Psalm 100:2
    As Rich said, I need to bring up that joy that is down deep and exhibit it with abandon..not just on Sunday mornings when I've come into His presence in worship, but every day that I am serving Him.

  3. "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." (Psalm 100:4) I guess because it took me a few years to find COC, everytime I walk across the parking lot toward the church doors I whisper a prayer of thanksgiving as I drink in the view of the cornfields, the farmland, the gorgeous sky. During the summer, I often run to the church and experience a wonderful moment of solitude, watching the sun rise and praying for wisdom in the day-to-day decisions of using my resources of time and energy in obedience to His plan. One evening this past week as I walked across the parking lot, observing the snowy fields and the sky filled with pink clouds, just as many times before, I whispered a prayer of thanksgiving for the church building, our church family, and our pastors. I enter worship each week, thirsty for the message, eager to hug people I love and pray for throughout the week and who pray for me. I sing joyfully praise for his goodness and faithfulness. I carry the worship experience with me in to my place of work each week, passing his gift of love to those who enter my circle of influence. I am truly filled with a gladness that continues to strengthen me, despite circumstance to "know that the Lord is God" and "It is he who made us and we are his" (verse 3a). Dear Father: May Charter Oak Church be a beacon of hope whose light shines through us and reaches out into our work places, social spaces, and school communities, touching the lives of those who need to know your Son. Amen

  4. Worship the Lord with gladness;come before him with joyful songs....
    I need to lose my reserve and sing joyful praises to the Lord. I need to be more like a child who is not afraid to do what he feels and just let it go.

  5. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever...

    I have so many things to be thankful to the Lord for. A great marriage, great kids, great grandchildren, a great job, wonderful parents, etc. The thing that I am most thankful for is the opportunity to share my love for God with a congregation like Charter Oak. I too, need to stretch and lean in so that I can become more demonstrative about my feelings for my God. I do my best to open my heart to what God has planned for me. The Lord is good!

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my feelings of love and gratitude for your presence in my life. I pray like the others that you will continue to use me to reach out to those who do not know what amazing things you have planned for them.
