Saturday, January 17, 2009

40-Day Challenge

The 40-Day Challenge to read, study, and pray together as a congregation begins on Monday, January 19, 2009. Check back everyday to read what God is doing in people's lives through this challenge. Please feel free to leave comments and questions.

Greater things are yet to come, as together, we...
Love God
Love Each Other
Love the World

1 comment:

  1. How uncanny. Saturday night Bill went into prayer and asked us to pray for our sins. I immediately confessed that prayer and studying the Bible had come complacent for me. With the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I was letting all of the unimportant things take over what was important...praying. I asked God to help me get back on the path and help me become disciplined in regards to prayer and studying the Bible. S.O.A.P to the rescue. We plan to take the 40 day challenge. I'm excited about sharing this experience with my husband. As we left services Saturday night, we joked about Chris's promise of gift. My husband laughed and said that he never knew that you could look at homework as a gift! This gift "fit" us perfectly. We won't be returning this one!
