Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 2 - Philippians 2

Click here to read Philippians 2.


  1. Verse 12 of the NLT reads, "And now that I am away you must be even more careful to put into action God's saving work in your lives, obeying God with reverence and fear."

    A genuine, real faith and salvation through Christ requires ACTION. I am not to bottle up the Good News, but share it with others through my words, my actions, and my deeds.

    I should look for opportunities to serve, share my faith, and love the unloveable each and every day.

  2. v.13 "For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." God will overcome my human frailities, weaknesses and attitudes. His grace will abound in me so that I may live according to His will. Humble me, Father, give me your mind, your heart, not to serve you with strife, or to attain personal glory, but that I may think of others better than I think of myself, and that I am not limited in my ability to see the whole plan.

  3. vs 14-16 "Do everything w/o complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless & pure, children of God w/o fault in a crooked & depraved generation, in which you SHING LIKE STARS IN THE UNIVERSE as you hold out the word of life."

    As I sat down to write my prayer, here's what came out...

    "Lover of my soul, can you find anything lovable in there? Do you even find a trace of yourself anymore? I'm scared to know the answer. Help me to shine like a star in the universe. Help me to shine like a star in my own home. Help me to hold out Your Word of Life. Help me to stop complaining. Help me to stop arguing. Really Lord, I'm ready to stop. Let today be the day that I begin. I need your Light... help me SHINE!"
